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Thursday, September 11, 2008

first thing why i dont like to update. i really hate my blogskin. somebody please make one for me that'll motivate me update.

other than that, i'm going to take a "break" off blogging for a while until i can find a reason to start resuming again.


Purple Rose;
7:52 AM

Friday, July 25, 2008

hello. forgot to blog again lol!! that was long. i caught a cold recently. must be due to the recent cold weather. but it's highly annoying. now im currently spamming tissues to clear out my poor nose. a delay of more than 3 weeks. regarding the pictures of the japanese student guide tour, im lazy to post them because i would need to censor my face if i were to do so, which im lazy to. so i'll skip that part. but nvm for this entry, there will be quite a load of pictures coming up.

first off, let me start with this month's COSFEST IV over at downtown east about 3 weeks back. met up with linger in the morning, and asshole made me wait this time, instead of the usual opposite. lol. he had his 1992 club homies tagging along since they all live in the same area as we do. so everyone was late in the end. wait, except me. im actually early. so it was a trap to make me wait -_- next time im not gonna fall for that. linger's 1992 homie friend's friend is quite chio though. oops =x

it was an awkward journey to the east. linger's friend was really silent. no intro no nothing no talk. zZZZzzzZ. so it was like awkward silence throughout the 45 min bus ride. boring shit i swear. kinda wished either of us would open up and start a convo going. wouldnt be so awkward that way.

cosfest IV, was okay to me la. saw good ones, ok ones and CMI ones. i brought my camera along, intending to take photos of those good ones. and with the hordes of other cameramen hogging certain good ones. i didnt get the chance to take. bitch.

so here's my pathetic shots for day 1.

random meal after we got bored roaming the tentage.

i bought a jigoku shoujo poster and a shirt at the end of the day. seriously i think some stalls there are a waste of space. they need more otaku stalls. there was this pretty good stall selling a decent collection of otaku stuff, ranging from manga to artbooks to japanese magazines and EVEN DAKIMAKURA. i was DAMN tempted to get the giant dakimakura i swear. but i held myself back because im afraid of carrying around such a big pillow around with people staring. anyway, i wished for a better character on it instead. someday i'll get the one i want i guess.

left the event rather early because i found it getting boring. furthermore i had to report back to camp by 1130pm that night. which is irritating. so i guess i rather go home and get some rest first.

that's the end of cosfest.

and now for some random snippets about my life.

you know, during my 24 hour duty in camp, most of the time i would be carrying my arm(rifle) and standing like a dumbass statue at either one of the posts during rotating shifts. and i would be wearing my LBV (also known as combat vest)

and here's a rough idea what's inside my vest during duty.

ok. recently last week, i went to watch DARK KNIGHT. and it was so far the best movie i watched this year. awesome show, i'll rate it 22 out of 5 stars.

i was expecting it to be a lively movie outing, in the end, people backed out last minute. haizz. the movie was ON FIRE. watching it was early as 1245pm and it was already selling fast, and the following timings after that were all in RED. we're a lucky bunch.

dinner. first time eating at Far East's Wasabi Tei. and it was kinda good. but the wait in queue was ATROCIOUS. there was already a small queue gathering outside the store at somewhat 520pm, so we walked randomly downstairs first while waiting for the doors to open at 530pm. when we returned at 530pm, the queue snaked. we waited till 7. SEVEN PM. before finally entering. i almost died waiting.

had iced green tea with salmon sashimi (fucking good shit) and beef teriyaki set.

kept forgetting to take a pic of the food, but took picture of something else instead. my horribly broken chopsticks loL!!

bill chalked up to $47. which is considered quite normal for typical japanese eateries.


i had an insatiable urge to visit SUNSHINE PLAZA. so i did. and bought a new lamp for my room. lol. that was random right. but i serious hate the uber bright lighting in my room, so i purchased this lamp for $33. it has a rheostat built in and adjustable through taps on the edges, so i thought it was quite cool and it has so far been the perfect addition to my dull bedroom. sunshine plaza is a like a mini version of Akiba. i enjoy going there now to browse through and even do a little otaku shopping.

oh ya. i bought some other random stuff too. not mentioning here, just browse through the pictures below and make a guess ; D

some pictures to describe my sunday. let the pictures do the talking.

i have a new addiction. online shopping that is. bought a shirt off j-list.com and i'm surprised at how fast it actually took them to ship to singapore via AIRMAIL. and just a few hours ago, i've already spent more than $100 online. and all i have to do now is just sit back and wait for confirmation emails.

a few days back. after 1 week and 3 days wait. i receive this in my letter box. and im a happy boy.

and just now, i've got my ass to the kitchen to do some baking for tmr's sgcafe picnic outing. i genuinely made these brownies myself, except the ending which my mom did the cutting of the brownies.

holy shit, it's 1am already. i have to sleep NOW.


Purple Rose;
6:51 AM

Thursday, July 03, 2008

things have been happening recently and they're not really good things to be precise. i guess my luck is a little down, but i do feel hurt sometimes but i dont say a thing, i just fuck it and carry on.

the most recent thing;

camp stuff. yala i know you'll probably yawn. i'll carry on anywayz. we have a new superior now as the previous staff sergeant is posted out. most of us dont like the old guy but i find that he's still okay. and this new guy... at first i thought he was nice, but i was wrong. he is even more farked up that i could ever imagine. he SET new ground rules for us and that annoyed me A LOT. because it's like taking freedom away from me. now whenever i have 8 to 5 support duty, we all have to COME BACK FOR ATTENDANCE TAKING BY 1130PM THAT VERY NIGHT. usually under the old system, i report back to camp around 530am the following day, much more convenient since upon reaching, i could start my regular 24 hour duty as per normal. i seriously hate sleeping in my camp bunk. it's just... not very hygienic i could say.

i cut my hair 2 days ago because i was told it was too long. duh, i knew it was as my sides are touching my ears. so i had my uncle to cut it for it. BUT then the next dAY, that new bitch checked me and said my hair "cannot"

im damn pissed.



this new guy sucks dick seriously. i wish the old staff sergeant replaces him!!!! his english also like shit.

try this, i quote directly from what he said 2 days ago. dont laugh.

NEW BIRD SERGEANT : you all better do your duty properly whenever you SUSPOSE to do this you do la.

horrible diction is one thing. now we have a lot of dumb unnecessary fall-ins that deprived us of going home earlier than usual.


ok, things on a brighter note now.

last week, i took my leave smartly, took 2 days off, but i got 5 days in a row holiday. one of the days i went to do my usual japanese highschool student touring. it was fun. i got an all girl group again. some of them were cute. but i havent used conversational japanese in almost 6 months. so my tongue got tied on several occasions chatting with them. one girl in my group is a soccer fan and she could even tell me the scores of the recent EURO matches. wow. shes a rare kind.

ok, im lazy to update what happened in detail. gotta go sleep soon, probably in my next post gona upload pictures of the tour and some other crap.



so tell me why, or why not????

Purple Rose;
6:12 AM

Saturday, June 28, 2008

i'll be back for updates soon.

freaking one month didnt touch this blog loL!!

regular updates back within the next 3 days.

Purple Rose;
10:32 AM

Monday, May 26, 2008


26th of May.

missed StreetFest because of inevitable duty. Xeths called me up the day before for a gathering during the actual day but oh well. yet another cosplay event that i'll miss.

mood has been going up and down for the past 24 hours. firstly because im pissed off with my team leader as he is indirectly denying me of taking leave on 31st, which is next saturday. fucking hell, it's so obvious that your lying saying that day is FULL because i fucking checked the leave forecast before even approaching you. i suspect that you are planning to take on that itself thats why you put my request on "pending". dickhead, he treats me like some kid. nevermind i shall reciprocate the way you treat me.

and arrr, ya, this morning when my team dismounted, i was told to do extra 2 hours of work when everyone else finished like 6am? i stayed until 8. to rub more salt into the wound, as i was walking out of the gate, i saw my bus quickly approaching the opposite end, so naturally i would run for it since this bus takes AGES to come once it leaves, aiyaa, since i said above my mood was down, you readers can predict what happened to me la.

the bus whizzed past my face.

even though i reached there to flag on time.

some backtracking.

on the day before Vesak DAy, i was invited to a reunion with my japanese teachers and ex classmates at my sensei's house. as usual i was lazy and cabbed there instead.

it was certainly a good feeling to reunite with old friends, especially my sensei. i havent seen her for more than 6 months!! her first comment about me irritated me a little though. she said i've grown fatter -_-


i thought so myself too. my friends, please be honest if i seriously look like i've gained extra pounds. i will be pissed but it's still good to be honest with me.

must be because i've been taking too much soy products, increasing in the number of female hormones and therefore dropping in metabolism rate. okok im thinking too much.

and back to where i was. err ya, we had dinner again, she prepared food for us. the language for the whole of sunday was Japanese. my japanese was REALLY rusty. and im really surprised on how much my ex classmates' japanese has improved over the months. full time classes really pay off well.

chatted nonstop over countless topics, including ARMY life -_- gays, and lots of other weird stuff. all the Japanese teachers present there were female, and the topic on gays seem to really interest them ALOT. no wonder girls love yaoi so much -_-

downed a couple beers and wine. this time, i controlled myself and didnt get drowsy or tipsy or anything shitty. i was fine all the way. until suddenly my body started feeling all airy and i kept "burping". not exactly burping la, it's just air releasing at a slow rate from my mouth. not until suddenly i had difficulties breathing and my eyes are turning bloodshot. not wanting to create a scene, i excused myself from the table and went to the toilet.

vomitted out onigiri, okonomiyaki, and lots of other japanese delicacies out.

argh. what a horrible way to end a reunion with old friends.

took a cab home and wen to a 24 hour clinic to assess my health situation.

doctor looked REALLY young. i mean seriously looked like someone who just graduated from secondary school. he gave MC for the next day, and that automatically made me feel well straight away LOL.

until later i received the bill for my medical treatment.

"sir, total bill would be $103 please"

and immediately this picture sprung up my head.

hurhuhruhr my wallet took so much damage that night : (

taxi fares almost $30

and now add on that dreaded medical bill. im so screwed.

now the next thing im looking forward to would be soccer outings. i seriously need to exercise more. had one last friday at RP with a couple of Sgcafe peeps. i havent touched physical football in ages, so my 90% of my passing didnt get through. but i applaud oreo's effort and will to move forward despite falling down so many times.

im sleepy. good night.

i dislike you.

Purple Rose;
7:08 AM

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


it is the 15th of May today. for the past 2 days, Sgcafe was under maintenance and life is boring without sgcafe to be honest lol. other forums just couldnt match up to Sgcafe. always filled with entertaining content, and with people around the same age range, it is the perfect place to linger around, and not say, spam too. but i is not spammer.

just now, i experienced something quite odd at a coffeeshop in bukit batok. i was eating dinner with a friend. then suddenly this guy came up to me and started pulling my arm and begged like hell in front of me for one dollar for food. i was shocked la. at first i had the "DONT TOUCH ME YOU FUCKING FREAK" mentality. but i softened immediately realizing that he isnt normal, he's retarded(seriously, no joke) from the way he spoke. so i forked out a dollar and placed it on his shaky palms. he thanked me and placed a piece of paper on the table and left.

it felt. weird. what's this piece of paper for?

i flipped it. and there are 4 numbers written on the underside. 4D numbers? i highly doubt so. if it were to hit first prize, i'd be really surprised, and maybe that guy could be an angel in disguise.

2 days ago, was duty as usual for me.

got bullied and dissed like hell, but i think im getting immune to all the verbal insult. they wont ever change, uneducated as they are, it's no use getting annoyed for long at them. requested to take leave on the 21st, but last minute i was told to cancel it because i had to go for live range that day. fucking hell, 21st is gonna be a sexciting day because it's the clash of the titans in MOSCOW, champions league finals. if im not given a chance to watch, i'll be extremely pissed. to make up for that, i took leave for tmr, 15th, thursday lol. a good 2 days off.

rewinding further back to May 11th.

Mothers' Day.

as well as the final EPL match that night to determine who's the champion of this season.

and manUTD were crowned champions for the 2nd consecutive season in a row. damn, im happy.

so what did for my mom on mothers' day? i took her out for dinner, my dad tagged along. we went to Jalan Kayu to eat. if you were thinking prata, NO. thats being extremely cheap. there's this western restaurant along the streets further down from the infamous prata stall there. named Mad Jacks. sounds a little retarded, but the environment is nice. clean, and reasonably filled with crowds. had to wait for about 15 minutes before we're given entry.

dinner cost me $68 in all, which is considered really cheap already, paying for 3 heads. i dont mind since i got my pay the day before. filling a little rich, im gonna do somemore shopping for clothes and crap in the days to come. most probably during the next weekend, the 17th and 18th since im off on those 2 days. great.

anyway talking about dinner there. it features Western Cuisine. dad and I got rib-eye and sirloin steak respectively, and my mom ordered the same shit everytime we go any western restaurant. the same ol' fucking Fish N Chips. service was quite disappointingly slow. took them ages to deliver my steak. and i need not say how long they take to deliver the dessert. even way fucking longer.

here's dessert, looks cool. tasted decent. i love fried bananas!

that's it for mother's day. great day indeed.

days before, rewinding even further, forgot which day, but i went to Clarke Quay alone just to grab myself this irresistible box of strawberry chocolate mochi. i think i saw it last week and highlighted interest in it, but that time i just didnt have small change in my wallet so i told myself to come back another day. anyway now i've got it. the packaging is superb, but the taste is errr.. just not as good as the packaging itself -_-

bought new manga recently again. bought 2 books and that set me back at least $40. kino sure knows how to burn wallets fast -_- bought the 2nd book on impulse as i thought it is a horror manga revolving dolls. but in the end it's some mediocre shojo manga with half-baked storylines. waste my money!! zzzZzZzz. plus the artwork is quite lousy to my eyes, suggesting to me that it might be quite an old manga. so far, my money is well spent on the manga i've handpicked from the shelves of taka's Kinokuniya. not until i bought this piece of crap manga entitled DOLLS. i dont think anyone would be interested to buy from me this piece of shit even if i ever post it on Sgcafe's marketplace -_-

it's almost 3am now. i think i slept too much in the day. 7 hours in camp before dismount. oh ya. my camp's bunk is REALLY hell stuffy in there. sleeping there is equivalent to sleeping in a sauna. so i came up with an idea to sleep in the office. actually, after spending a night there, (i brought my own farking sleeping bag to sleep there) i concluded the bunk is still better place to sleep in. at least it has a proper bed, not the cleanest but, still a farking bed which is soft and gentle on your back. the office is just WAYYYYY too cold. i shivered like hell on the night i slept there. brrr, but somehow, i wanna sleep there more often..

hurray for leave tomorrow!

i could sleep the whole farking day, and get ready for Friday's duty feeling all refreshed and charged. and yesssssss, the weekend off too! received note that my japanese teacher is inviting her ex-students to her house this coming sunday. im SOOOooOOo going~!! cant wait. even though my japanese now sucks cock. I CAN ALWAYS REFRESH MY MIND AGAIN.

and lastly, a random picture to end today's entry.

forever love <3

What are you suffering for?
Your pride or some kind of personal war?

Purple Rose;
10:52 AM

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

they strike again.

im convinced now that the culprit isnt from the team i hate, but it's from my OWN fucking team instead. i have 2 suspects in mind. what a bunch of losers with nothing better to do.

from pouring bandung from the top of my cupboard which led to it seeping into my locker and making it all sticky and stinky after a few days, and NOW, they're up to a new form of mischief.

they taped up my locker with scotch tape. apparently, they wanted me to not access my own locker totally, but those retards have to try harder.

im just tolerating until i see what further damage they can do.

before i blow up.

Purple Rose;
4:19 AM